Michael's techniques are built on ideas borrowed from the User Experience (UX) community. As part of this, Michael builds on the idea of design modes and maps them into software architecture.
We also discuss the rapid software architecture workshop based around these ideas that Michael conducted at the 2014 SATURN conference.
Listen now: (download)
References from Michael:
- Choosing a Software Design Strategy -- http://www.neverletdown.
net/2010/08/choosing-a- software-design-strategy.html - Exploring the Design Space -- http://www.neverletdown.
net/2010/09/exploring-design- space.html - Guidelines for the System Metaphor -- http://www.neverletdown.
net/2011/08/guidelines-for- -- one of the methods Michael mentioned for Framingsystem-metaphor.html - Rapid Software Architecture Exploration -- http://www.neverletdown.
net/2013/06/rapid-software- -- a variant of the workshop from SATURN that Michael ran at the XP conference in Vienna.architecture-exploration.html - Stanford Design School's Bootcamp Bootleg -- http://dschool.stanford.
edu/use-our-methods/the- -- card deck of methods organized around the design thinking processbootcamp-bootleg/ - Sciences of the Artificial by Herbert Simon -- http://www.amazon.com/The-
Sciences-Artificial-3rd- Edition/dp/0262691914/ - The Design of Design: Essays from a Computer Scientist by Fred Brooks -- http://www.amazon.com/
Design-Essays-Computer- Scientist/dp/0201362988/ - Universal Methods of Design -- http://www.amazon.com/
Universal-Methods-Design- Innovative-Effective/dp/ 1592537561/
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